Torstrasse 111

Sein und Schein: Pluralität und Identität [Être et paraître : pluralité et identité]

Art and Project House Torstraße 111 | 10119 Berlin
Artists: Holger Biermann, Manon Boyer, Katerina Kirtoka, Dmitry Eret, Yevheniia Kriuk, Robin Block de Friberg, Alexandre Dupeyron, Joël Peyrou, Fabian Ritter, Marga van den Meydenberg, Jean-Baptiste Monnin, Ludwig Rauch
Curators: Christel Boget, Jean-Baptiste Monnin
Project management: Ulrike Seyboth, Ingo Fröhlich
Project Assistance: Natalie Ivanova
14.10. – 30.10.2022
Vernissage: Friday, 14.10.2022, from 6 pm
Opening hours: Thursday & Friday 4 – 8 p.m. | Saturday & Sunday 12 – 7 p.m.
Events: Saturday: 15 Oct, 2 – 3 pm, guided tour with the artists + Saturday: 22 Oct, 6 – 9 pm, raffle and performance (live 7:30 pm), signing session Alexandre Dupeyron + Saturday: 29 Oct, from 6 pm, Soirée Projection.

FOTOHAUS is an exhibition concept founded in 2014 by the ParisBerlin>fotogroup to highlight the Franco-German photographic scene. FOTOHAUS has been integrated into the official programme of the Festival Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles since 2021. After seven editions in Arles, FOTOHAUS expanded in Bordeaux in April 2022 by joining forces with the Festival Itinéraires des Photographes Voyageurs. In the summer of 2022, FOTOHAUS offered the programme Being and Appearance for the Arles edition at the Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation. The aim of FOTOHAUS is to create a place where institutions, women photographers, galleries, publishers, etc. can meet. (Collection Regard, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Fondation MRO, LesAssociés, Ostkreuzschule, Ostkreuzagentur,…) a space for exchange and synergies.

Christel Boget, 2022



BANKING FOR FUTURE | Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 | 10119 Berlin
Künstler*innen: Ingo Fröhlich, Alice Hauck, Christina Huber, Camille Lacroix, Jean-Baptiste Monnin, Esther Nicklas, Amelie Plümpe, Matti Schulz, Ulrike Seyboth, Tammo Winkler
25.6. – 10.7.2022
Vernissage: 24.6.2022
Öffnungszeiten: Freitags 15 bis 18 Uhr + Samstags 12 bis 15 Uhr


On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 in Berlin, the book illustrates how the participation of artists in the collective urban space enriches inner-city diversity, creating creative biotopes that guarantee a lively urban diversity. The documentary integration of the artist-run-space into the art historical context of the 1990s to 2020s also examines the development of artistic autonomy in Berlin. A photo and image documentation on the history of the house, interviews with participating artists* and an art historical location show how innovative approaches have been used to integrate various uses into a residential and art house.

Ingo Fröhlich founded Torstraße 111 in Berlin-Mitte in 2000. Since 2012 he has been managing the Kunst- und Projekthaus together with Ulrike Seyboth.

Published by/Edited by Ulrike Seyboth, Ingo Fröhlich
and Frizzi Krella
Cover and book design © Josephine Tischer, Jonas Vogler Berlin
ISBN 978-3-86732-366-6 | 29,90 €

A Matter of Touch | Malerei aus Europa und den USA

Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111
Exhibiting artists: Nikos Aslanidis, Thomas Brüggemann, Michelle Jezierski, Joseph Kameen, Kiki Kolympari, Adrienne Elyse Meyers, Grit Richter, Rubica von Streng
17.7. – 2.8.2020 | 3.8. – 30.8.2020 by appointment
Opening hours: 17.7. – 2.8.2020 | Friday, Saturday & Sunday 3 – 7 pm
Opening: Thursday, 16 July, 5 – 9 pm
Curator: Jurriaan Benschop
Project management: Ulrike Seyboth, Ingo Fröhlich

The works have been collected from studios on both sides of the Atlantic. Due to the pandemic, not all artists are able to be present for the opening, yet their works offer us an artistic dialogue across borders. The paintings find a temporary home in the ruinous beauty of the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstrasse 111. Located in the center of Berlin, the space evokes the time when the city offered itself as an artistic Freiraum.


Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111
With the exhibition TORTORTOR 1:1:1 the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 in Berlin-Mitte celebrates its 20th anniversary. In the exhibition galleries and in the Kunstruine, 32 artists*, born in Algeria, Germany, France, Iceland, Switzerland, Serbia and the USA, from the fields of painting, drawing, sculpture, light art, installation, composition, video and puppetry will be on display.
Exhibiting artists: Làszlò Antal, Daníel Björnsson, Rudolf Borkenhagen, James Bullough, Filip Caranica, Valérie Favre, Ingo Fröhlich, Pierre Granoux, Sabine Herrmann, Friederike Jokisch, Rudi Kargus, Klaus Killisch, Camille Lacroix, Inge Mahn, Nanne Meyer, Esther Nicklas, Bob Rutman, Karin Schroeder, Matti Schulz, Ulrike Seyboth, Holger Stark, Mario Thronicke, Uwe Walter, Tammo Winkler, Francis Zeischegg, Tanja Zimmermann and a group work by Felix Becker, Djabril Boukhenaissi, Christina Huber, Paco Höller and Phillip Langer
19.6. – 5.7.2020
Opening: Thursday 18th, Friday 19th + Saturday 20th June 2020, 5 – 9 pm
Opening hours: 18 + 19 + 20.6. 2020, 5 – 9 pm | Friday + Saturday 3 – 7 pm | Sunday 2 – 6 pm
Curators: Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich

The exhibition is supported by the Bezirkskulturfonds Berlin-Mitte.

Link Berliner Zeitung 25.6.2020
Link Berliner Tagesspiegel 19.6.2020
Link RBB vom 20.6. 2020



Funding by the Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn

In the 2019/2020 funding period, Ingo Fröhlich & Ulrike Seyboth will be awarded the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 with funding from the Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn.


Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111, Berlin
At the invitation of Ulrike Seyboth and Ingo Fröhlich JORDAN/SEYDOUX shows a selection of works by John Armleder, Tony Cragg, Damien Deroubaix, Ingo Fröhlich, Imi Knoebel, Bertrand Lavier, François Morellet, Diana Quinby, Françoise Pétrovitch, Peter Saul, Anton Weber.
Opening: friday, 6. september 2019
Opening hours: 7.9. – 8.9. and 11.9. – 15.9.2019, 14 – 19 pm
Curator: Amelie Seydoux
Project management: Ingo Fröhlich, Ulrike Seyboth


Torstraße 111  ̶  Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin e. V.
Solo exhibition: Frenzy Höhne (D), Concept Art
23.9. – 13.10.2018
Vernissage: Saturday, 22 September 2018, from 4 pm
Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday: Wednesday – Sunday, 2 – 7 pm
Guided tours through the exhibition: 27 + 29.09. and 07 + 10.10.2018, 4.30 pm
Project management of the exhibition

Image © Frenzy Höhne


Torstrasse 111  ̶  Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin e. V.
Project management of the exhibition engel8ig 
Solo Exhibition: pluck (NL), drawing, objects, performance
Performances: pluck, Valérie Favre (CH)
14.9.– 16.9.2018
Vernissage: Friday, September 14, 2018, starting at 6 p.m.
Performance I Opening Hours: Saturday 15.9. and Sunday 16.9., 12 – 18 hrs.
Finissage: Sunday, 16.9., 16 – 18 hrs.

After a two-week working period in the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111, the artist pluck (Netherlands) will be showing works created on site. During his stay, pluck collected hair from hairdressers in Berlin. From the natural material, which forms the artistic basis of this work through the transformation process from fire to ash, drawings and objects were created which will be shown in the exhibition rooms of Torstraße 111 from 14 to 16 September 2018.

At the same time, pluck and the artist Valérie Favre will perform live performances lasting several hours on Saturday and Sunday.

Image © pluck